![]() 02/16/2015 at 11:49 • Filed to: Rant | ![]() | ![]() |
So, remember that Speed Yellow Boss 302 Laguna Seca I posted a couple weeks ago? Well I found out who owns it, and remember my old roommate who had just bought a 2014 Mustang GT September lat year? Put two and two together...
Why is it that foreign exchange students get blank checks to spend on whatever the hell they want from their parents or country, and I have to work for everything single thing I have currently? Or do they just come here so they can spend their money on all the awesome cars we have here instead of China?? This honestly pisses me off to no end. I'm not gonna throw a hissy fit or whatever, but what the hell??
Seriously, when you have so much money, whats the point of even going to college even?
I understand the pride, respect and appreciation that comes for working for your money and acquiring cars on your own without any help or other people's money and all the life lessons that go with it; hell, I bought a 944 working my ass off to make $3000 in 3 months last summer because you lot told me it was stupid as hell to take out a loan for one, and I sincerely thank you all for that. But I'll be damned if I didn't wish sometimes my parents had copious amounts of money for me to spend on whatever I want. It's frustrating as hell waiting years and years to get the things you want, when some rich kid can easily write out a check for anything in seemingly days or months.
Hopefully I'll be in a position like him, once I'm done with college and have an actual income job that's better than retail. Then it'll be my turn to have expensive things.
I bet he's gonna get a GT350 by next year(speculation).....
(I'd daily a GT350 in Michigan, regardless of snow and shit)
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So you're jealous of their money?
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You could just assume that his father is a corrupt politician, and at the very least declare it immoral that this car was acquired through ill–gotten means. Coming to terms with stuff like this though is something all but a very very small group of people have to do. I always try and keep it in perspective and think about all of the advantages I've had and things that have been given to me. On top of it all, if he ditched the GT in five months he clearly didn't enjoy it that much. What's the point of being able to do that if it just means you're never satisfied with what you have?
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That's how it goes. The only thing you can do is take pride in the fruits of your labours, knowing that you worked for what you have instead of being given it. A small consolation, but sometimes it's a good feeling.
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Yes and no. I'm not so much jealous of their money, more so how easily it's acquired for them. I'm more than satisfied working for my own money, and the appreciation that comes with it.
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Yeah, it was hard to see classmates in HS back on the 90s rolling around in m3s, NSXes, supra turbos, etc when I was driving a 15+ year old volvo wagon.
But, you gotta remember. Money comes and money goes. The difference between you and your roommate is that you understand the value of where money comes from.
Also, don't waste it on cars until you really have a lot of disposable income. I know people rocking 3 million dollar houses whom still drive 10 year old Honda accords
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Just remember that it's their money and not yours. They choose how to spend it. If they want to be irresponsible with it that's their problem.
As I like to say, live and let live.
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I try so hard, but the speculation of "what if I had that money"....pisses me off soo much!! It's like saying the "good people" always come out on top at the end of the day, but what if they don't? Sometimes it seems that small consolation isn't enough.
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Instead of whining about it, why not try and make friends with the guy? He's clearly into cars.
I know foreign exchange students with Aventadors, Ferraris, M5s, Maseratis, GTRs, 911 Turbos. Am I jealous of them? Fuck yeah. Do I tell them "fuck you" because of what they have? No.
Why not be proactive about it instead? We have an Auto Club at our school, and every guy I meet that has a cool car I make sure to tell them about it. It's resulted in those guys then telling their other rich friends and having a kick ass car group of friends. We schedule canyon cruises, car shows, and get to ride in each others cars.
Next time you see a cool car on campus think of it in a positive way. Start a car club, make some business cards, put them on the windshield of cool cars you see on campus. You'll eventually have a good group of people who are gonna be more than willing to show off their cars to you.
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I don't know, one could make the excuse that he's a connoisseur of sports cars....Bit of a stretch. There's always gonna be something better out there though. There's always gonna be lust for that better thing whatever it may be.
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*Their parents
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Kiddo, I say this with all the love in the world:
We all wish we had parents with endless buckets of cash who'd let us tap into that wealth and spend it however we wanted. Some people have that—including spoiled American kids—and some people don't. Stop using other people's lives as a yardstick for your own, K. Seriously. Because you'll always find someone who's got it better than you. (You'll also always find someone who's got it worse than you, too, but funnily enough, y'never seem to notice those people, eh?).
Rather than lament how you don't live with a silver spoon in your mouth, or lament that you've earned what you've got (quelle horreur), how about you channel that frustration and energy into helping someone else? Maybe if you step outside of yourself for a moment and focus on someone other than yourself you'll gain a little perspective, along with that other thing you and I have had a few conversations about: empathy.
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The corrupt politicians shtick was believable 15 years ago. Now almost all wealth in China is through private individual earnings, and not associated with the government. If you've been to China recently, you'll be surprised at how expensive everything is, even basic items like food.
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My good friend made (no joke) over $800,000 by the time he was finished with high school. He bought a E39 M3 and I think he still has it. He's a smart dude who knew how to make money and now he sells real estate.
Don't immediately assume he didn't work for it. it's rare but it happens.
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I hate the notion that rich kids don't understand the notion of where money comes from. I've known spoiled middle class kids and humble rich kids and vice versa. It's about how your kids are raised.
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Sure, same logic applies though
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K-roll, I wish I had money as well. Seriously, I found myself making a wish list of cars I would love to own the other day. I can probably afford them eventually, but probably won't because life is expensive.
For the kids whose parents just hand them money, they don't appreciate the finer things in life. You and I both worked hard for our car(s), right? Blood, sweat, and tears? Be proud of what you accomplished to purchase that car you have.
I may own a '08 pt cruiser, and it is probably the definition of a anti-jalop car, but by-golly I am proud of it. Wanna know why? I bought it, on my own, without any help. It's the first car I have ever even owned, but it's my car (and the wife's...by extension).
I worked 4 years in a supermarket, making minimal wage, to even afford that car. (I'm actually still paying for it, despite getting it back in '10...I'm dirt poor).
The kids whose parents hand stuff to them, they can't appreciate that kind of stuff. They willy nilly just toss the car away for the next one. To me, that's not even enjoying the car, that's just getting the biggest toy just because.
Enjoy what you've earned on your own....you've earned it!
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Everyone gets the "what if I had money" thoughts. Trust me, I'm working my ass off in school and at work, and I can't afford a car right now. I spend a lot of my time dreaming about sweet rides. You just do what you can and feel proud. Like right now, I'm living with my good friends, 400 kilometres from where I grew up, working and putting my way through school with not too much help from my parents. When I see people with nice shit, I look at the things I've done and have and just think about how it was me who's doing this. And it will be me who gets that car, gets the job, et cetera.
And you have your own cars that you fix and drive and bought for yourself. Tell me that isn't awesome. Keep going the way you're going (or, as my family motto says, "Onwards and Upwards"), and you'll be the one driving the sweet Mustang or 911 or whatever you want. And you'll do it yourself.
Anyway, that's just a long winded rant about whatever. It's alright to have the thoughts, just let them push you towards your goals instead of pissing you off.
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Absolutely, I've seen both. But, it's generally more the exception than the rule.
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I am kinda friends with him, I was his old roommate before he had a car. I'd drive him around campus and get groceries for him. We're not really talking to each other much, but he's probably the only foreign exchange student on campus that actually cares about cars I think. Every other one with a GTR, Maserati, or the SS is for show and wealth and nothing else.
I don't tell him "fuck you" or anything, we engage in small talk every now and them when I bump into him.
Also, our car scene at school is lack luster at best. I'm also not much in the way of a "leader", I'm in no way capable of making a car group by myself.
This wasn't supposed to be a whining post, just my absolute disbelief at the fact that they have so much money and put it all into cars and wealthy things, but I guess I can't blame them.
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Oh you can shove it.
Sorry, I don't want to be a dick but don't act like you aren't in a great position with a new Focus ST essentially given to you.
And so what if some rich kid has a nice car? Why does that bother you so much? You're going to have a really tough life if you constantly judge yourself based on the status of others around you.
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I get that you're frusturated, but let me put this into perspective for you: sure, he might be able to spend money more readily and freely than you can, but think for a minute about what you have. You have 2 really nice cars yourself, and even though you worked hard for at least one of those cars, there's some people (like that guy that just recently made the news when he got a car via a GoFundMe account set up by a kid) that don't have a car at all, and they're working pretty hard themselves (that dude was walking 20+ miles a day, if I'm not mistaken).
Just be happy with what you have. Unless you become King of Humankind, there's always going to be someone out there with more than you. Deal with it.
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Oh I'm well aware of that fact.
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Oh I know he didn't. He doesn't have a job or anything. He's a bit of a lazy slouch of sorts, but he is very smart.
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I know exactly how you feel, and it's annoying. You work so hard to get something and these people get it with no effort at all. Not to mention they're nice cars.
But hey, people like you and I work hard for what we've got. Half of my paycheck each month alone goes towards my car. And that's something to really be proud of. Cars, our hobby isn't cheap either! You should feel good you're working for what you've got, and that your parents didn't buy you something.
I like seeing 5.0's driven by students and being able to say, ya, you're driving a 5.0, but I actually own my car and work for it.
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What's wrong with giving your kids what you didn't have? I haven't had a paid day off in 8 years. Not a single vacation or sick day, even when the company shuts down for various holidays. I never want that for my daughter, so I give her everything she needs, then everything she wants. She has more money in the bank than I do (I put it all there), because I don't want her to ever suffer.
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See, I knew someone would take this as me "whining" that's not the point nor was it ever. I know what position I'm in, with a new ST and a purchased 944 and my dad's 911 in my garage. I'm perfectly content with what I have and how I'm currently working for it or have already done so in the 944's case. It still just boggles my mind how foreign exchange students just have money on tap for everything and anything like in this case instead of being "smarter" with it is all. I'm content working for what I have and I'm proud of it, just looking at their bundles of cash can be frustrating at times though.
So thanks for the insult?
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You should have seen what the Asian students drove at my school. BMW M3s, RS5s, Maseratis, and Porches. Those were just the winter beaters. . . . The GT-Rs and Fezzas came out in the spring.
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I know there's a brighter light at the end of the tunnel, or the grass is always greener, but god damn does it require much patience and work in the end.
I know, my time will come, it's always just a matter of when..
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You don't tell him "fuck you" but you're clearly thinking it, and I bet it comes off as such whenever you meet him.
As for the other cars, how do you know they're only for wealth? Because they're foreign exchange students driving them? Newsflash: foreign students don't stick to themselves and other foreign exchange students because of snobbery or class or anything like that. They do that because they're shy and having people in the same situation is comforting and relatable.
You're making all of these generalisations without even trying to find out the truth first. For all you know they could all really like cars. Why not at least try and see what happens?
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Regardless, it's important to understand the larger picture here. I don't think I know anybody who is the richest person they know, so this guy could very well be ranting somewhere else about how one of his buddies just picked up his third lambo or some bullshit. On the other end of things, I'm sure you know that there are plenty of people who really want you have, and there are plenty of people who really want what they have, and so on and so forth.
If one doesn't take stock of what they have and learn to appreciate it, it's not like they'll reach some threshold where they go "alright, this is enough". That's how the world tries to get us to think, to never be satisfied with who we are and what we have—that's how so many companies make so much money. Being satisfied with what you have doesn't mean you can't acquire more, but it does mean that one can derive pleasure from the intrinsic properties of something instead of its relational properties.
That's the difference between enjoying a car because you like how it drives, how it sounds, how fast it feels, as opposed to enjoying it because it drives better than car X, sounds better than car Y, and is faster than car Z.
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I have not been to China recently, or ever haha. Just a little joke to lighten the mood : )
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Actually I'm not thinking it at all, he's a good guy. We talk cars and school whenever we see each other and we're always smiling and having fun. I'll admit I'm jealous sometimes, but never to the point of feeling a "fuck you". Good job with your assumptions.
I can't create a group myself because I'm an introvert myself.
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Different values, different socioeconomic thingies, etc. To you, it may just be a cool flashy car, but I n China, owning an American car is like, huuuuuuge. It's a symbol of arrival, showing how far their family has come from the bumfuck days of communism and how good of a marriage prospect their child is. Same goes for the stereotype of Asians doing well in math or playing Mozart sonatas by age 5-it's all about appearances. The parents will take out all kinds of crazy loans in order to do this. To them, it's not spoiling, just a leg up.
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If that's all you took out of what I said then I don't know what else to say.
Being an introvert doesn't mean being secluded from the world.
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So true, thanks for the insight and perspective.
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I don't mean to be a dick here or anything, but what's the point in being jealous over another person's car? Why does it matter if it's newer and more expensive than what you own?
My car is only a few months old. I bought it brand-spankin-new and I'm still in college. Does that suddenly make me a bad person? I'm lucky enough to be able to work, go to class and dick around on the internet and still afford my car payment without squeezing myself. Why wouldn't I treat myself to a car I actually wanted instead of getting by with something I didn't?
Answer me this: do you like your 944? If you do, then why worry about what someone else drives? You worked hard to buy that 944 and I'm sure it's given you countless moments and stories. Cherish it and stop giving a fuck about your peers.
I have a theory as to why this "covet thy neighbor" mentality persists in the enthusiast community. But that's another rant for another day.
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So it seems, I recall he frequently only talked American cars with me. He never mentioned any Asian cars, nor did I mention any myself, but he loves to talk American V8s and drag racing.
You bring up some good points I never heard of nor did I ever recognize.
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Hey any time.
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Dude, you were whining. Or at least acting privileged
Why is it that foreign exchange students get blank checks to spend on whatever the hell they want from their parents or country, and I have to work for everything single thing I have currently?
You don't work for every single thing you have currently. Don't lie. You live at home, you have a brand new car that you were given. I can't remember, are you even paying for school yourself?
Is it really an insult to point out the fallacies in your post? I don't like seeing people claim to be in a different scenario than they are.
Also, way to lump foreign exchange students into one big group. There's plenty out there who aren't as privileged who are working just as hard as you for the same level of comfort or less, so why don't you not use one person as a rallying point for animosity towards an entire subset of the US student population.
And while I'm aware that you know this student personally and therefore know he was given the money, how do you know that every one of those fancy cars you see is just some rich kids birthday present? How do you know they haven't made themselves successful with a side business or some smart stock trades? How do you know they didn't earn that money by working hard?
Look, I get it, it's frustrating to see people that are better off than you are. But don't pretend you aren't in just as good a position. You may not have a Boss 302, but you have it damn good right now. Don't come on here and expect to not get called out on it.
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Oh no not at all. What your saying is true. It's a different perspective for me to look at, and it's definitely something I hadn't considered before. Being shy and having people in a similar situation was something I'd noticed but hadn't really ever taken into consideration for something like this.
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So...there are rich people and foreign people, and somehow both those things together are particularly bad?
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Not to be preachy at you, but this sums it up for me ; take what you will from it:
Its tough to know there are people who squander their means, when they could vastly improve the lives of everyone around them. Worrying about that will only make you angry.
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You think I don't expect to get called out on something, especially from you of all people? You're the primary person that does it in the majority of the rants I've ever made. I expect it just about every time now. But you do like to single things out and go out and attack them like you're insecure as hell if I'm honest.
I know I don't work for every single thing I have, but I know for a fact that I work to pay for my FoST, and I worked my ass off to buy my 944, and I work to pay for my gas and school supplies and as much of my semester payments as I can muster; albeit it isn't as much as my parents cover, but I damn well do the best I can.
I can admit my views are skewed and very incorrect at times, I get that, and when I get called out for it I expect to see a different perspective of life and get some form of life lesson from it. Newflash: No ones perfect or a genius either.
Not get bitched at by someone who clearly does so to be a dick and hide his own personal insecurities and take it out on other people it seems.
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This is probably the truest comment here. I appreciate it greatly.
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No not at all, that was my mistake and messed up opinion on the subject. A couple posters here, while being dicks and asshats, have pointed that out to me with a different perspective and I see that I was wrong to make such generalizations.
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Tell your parents to join the Communist Party.
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I get what you're feeling, actually. A certain level of jealousy is natural, but as you've surmised it's best to keep it in check. People have an aversion to it.
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I have some Asian/Indian/Arabic friends, so I know this secondhand.
For what it's worth, I come from a pretty well-to-do family and my parents would sooner jump into a pool of sharks than give me or my brothers something for nothing. Us rich white folks be crazy. My mom once literally pulled a Mallory Archer and donated a bike I had worked hard for after finding my room to be slightly messy. I guess it was to teach me that hard work doesn't necessarily grant you success. Either way, it was....scarring.
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Oh fuck you, I'm not doing this to be a dick I'm doing it because I don't like seeing some kid come on here and pretend he's something he isn't.
I don't have insecurities, I just don't like seeing people making these big claims of how great they are with nothing to back it up.
You're in a good position. Be happy about it. Enjoy it. Don't come here and whine about someone else having it better. Go to Cigar Lounge if you want to vent about petty crap like this.
And don't attack me just because I'm not sitting idly by while you claim to be something you aren't
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Meanwhile, at my college, students owning cars are unheard of. We complain about the $5.00 we have to spend on public transportation each day to get to school and back.
Stop caring/worrying/complaining about what others have. Do that to what you do have.
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I appreciate the perspective, thanks.
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Can I go to Korea? :D
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I would like to point out that you yoruself have received a lot more assistance from your parents than a lot of people on here. Don't get suckered into the "It's not fair that they have more" game. You will ALWAYS run into someone who "loses" to you. And it ain't pretty. Best you can do is buck up, play the hand you were dealt as best you can, and appreciate your own advantages and help you have been offered. The best way to do that? Live your life as best you can. Do shit. Explore things. Break stuff. Fix stuff. Don't be an idiot about it, but take....."calculated risks". Your 944 for example. I would've KILLED to have a 944 when I was in college. I wanted one so bad. But I was stuck with the lolcar that my parents bought WITH MY OWN MONEY. So I drove it harder than anyone else and learned a hell of a lot about car control in a POS boat.
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I got students like that here at USC. Remember that GT-R pulling a sled? He was once part of the SCCA student chapter I'm vice-pres of. I give him credit, he's one of those self-made types who has rich parents but was able to become wealthy independently. We also have an exchange student who owned a S2k, got arrested for speeding/dangerous driving and lost the car...only to end up with a STI weeks later thanks to uber-rich Chinese parents. That said, I don't care about others, I got a Miata to have safe fun in and my own life to roll with.
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So what you're saying, is don't attack you, because you can't handle it while you so righteously attack me? Please.
Oh fuck you, I'm not doing this to be a dick I'm doing it because I don't like seeing some kid come on here and pretend he's something he isn't.
What's this, you couldn't do this any other way without being a dick? Very good. And kid? You're hardly older than I am, you're hardly less a kid than I am. You're doing exactly what I did: making assumptions on my life and work when you couldn't be further from the truth.
To say I can't back up that I bought my 944 with my own money from work?
Or that I pay the car note on my FoST even though my dad took out the loan, which I admit isn't me completely owning the car, but still instills a sense of responsibility and duty that I have to fulfill? And that at the end of the day, the money I make from working on weekends goes to this and no other "luxuries"?
Do go on about how I can't back up anything I say, and I've admitted my mistakes in what I've said, can you? I doubt it. Going on talking like a white knight or hero of sorts; get off your high horse.
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I can totally understand you, they might get the money from shady business practice with the government or corruption.
It was like that here in Venezuela, all those "politics" would shout and tell the mass of people how capitalism, the united states and all that jazz was the devils work, etc. and then people traveling abroad will notice the same politics, their sons and family buying diamonds, driving porsches and maseratis in the US.
Hell that happens even inside the country, minimum wage is around 32$/month here and youll see the assholes driving bimmers, mercs and shit, and i've seen it first handed, I got to drive around in an armored panamera from one of those guys.
Is sickening, I've seen children eating from garbage, working their ass off while having 5 or 6 Years old, people living in houses made out of tin and cardboard, and one of those asshole passing by in their fully loaded new toyota land cruiser.
Now, dont get me wrong, not everyone of those guys are related to shitty stuff like that, but theres a good bunch who are, or well, their parents are.
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Well you were the person to tell me not to be an idiot and take a loan out for a $3000 944, if there's anyone I'm listening to amongst the small amount of decent people and the asshats that have commented, it's definitely you. I appreciate the insight and advice sir. :)
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Actually I never heard of that GTR pulling a sled. Good for him, honestly. He's the kind of person I aspire to be like in a way.
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It's a bloody shame, what the world has become isn't it. Minimum wage is $32/month? God damn, I can't believe, I never thought it was so bad like that. It really opens your eyes to how much worse some people have it. The empathy and sympathy is strong for those that have it so bad. I wish I could understand why things are the way they are and hope that it gets better, but dammit do I hate double standards.
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You bought a 944. Good for you. But that's not everything in your life. The way you phrase it sounds like you'd die if it wasn't for hard work. And that Focus, you pay the note, but what about a downpayment? What about insurance? And what if you can't make the payment because you didn't work some week? Are you going to default on the loan, or will your dad fill the gap? I'm just saying, don't act like you have it bad.
Let me continue...
I can take it, but don't come on here and tell me I have insecurities. You're just making shit up about me. And yeah, I call you kid. You live at home, you depend on your parents, and you act like a child. Our age may not be that far apart in number but one of us is whining about a rich kid from his parents house while the other isn't. I do work hard for everything I have in actuality, though I do owe a lot of credit to my parents for paying for school for me.
I'm not a white knight. I've never pretended to be. But I come into these types of threads on oppo because I'm fed up. I'm tired of seeing posts of this flavor. These whiny posts about how they can't have what they want, or what someone else has. This shit brings down all of Oppo.
This post could have been great. You could have told us a story of how you found this Boss 302 on campus, found out you knew the owner, met him, got a ride, etc. Instead you decided to bitch about how he was given money, complain that you can't have shit like that, proclaim that you work so hard for everything in your life, and then finish with an 'I'll show them' as if having expensive things is a measure for quality of life.
You want me to get off my high horse? Get off yours and try to contribute positively next time. Oh, and by the way, for as much of a dick as you think I am look at the little recommend count on my replies here: I may not be the nicest commenter on oppo, but my statements seem to resonate with people. Take that how you will.
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"I cursed at God for my lack of shoes, until I came across a man with no feet". That quote is a simple reminder to keep things in perspective and has served me well. 800$ of chevy fury beats a greyhound or rusty bike 7 days a week IMO. And a bad day of wrenching on it beat a good day of walking 10 miles to get to work lol.
In the meantime, try and outdrive him. See if he goes to autocrosses and whatnot. Invite him out to some of the SCCA events and maybe turn him into an enthusiast who wants to learn how to handle his steeds. Or maybe he's one already? In any event, nothing says "Wow.....maybe I'm not that bad off" when you have no problems running with the bigger and better equipment. I went to a PCA autocross last summer when I was really depressed after a lot of shit.....and promptly crushed everyone there (30ish entries) besides a BMW 335iis, a cayman S, and I think I lost to the carrera S but I beat the 2002 911 turbo. I definitely beat the S4, I beat all the brobalt SSes, the AMG merc, and the rest of the Porsches, and I did it all in what people were calling a "festiva". So get yourself registered to some events and try and drag him out. You'll either beat him and have a good laugh, reveal an inner jalop he may or may not know he has, or do both.
Or even just invite him out to an afternoon of test and tune at a local drag strip. Or go to car shows (don't take him to woodward.....that will just increase his douche levels to over 9000). Just keep celerating cars intead of lamenting your lack of your dream garage. You'd e surprised at how it feels. Hint:
![]() 02/16/2015 at 13:11 |
cool it with the name calling and insult throwing.
It's a healthy discussion otherwise, so do carry it on. It's encouraged.
![]() 02/16/2015 at 13:14 |
Simple, People are the worst.
at the end of the day, you'll love what you earn because you worked your ass off, and when mature times come, you'll know you got it the right way, and guess what, peace of mind is priceless.
And just for comparisons sake, minimum wage in local currency is 4.800Bs, a beat up, probably crashed 2002 hyundai elantra costs around 700.000Bs. its sad, its starting to look like cuba regarding cars, we don'g get new (new as in new model) cars anymore :/
![]() 02/16/2015 at 13:15 |
The correct word is envy, and yes, this dude green with it.
![]() 02/16/2015 at 13:18 |
I'm not going to say K-roll didn't deserve this, and I'm not going to say he did. I am going to say that its probably gone back and forth here enough. cool?
![]() 02/16/2015 at 13:20 |
Quite being a dickfer. I agree with you, but jumping in K-Roll's shit isn't the way to go about this. Keep it civil or knock it off. K-Roll got some attention from me as well.
![]() 02/16/2015 at 13:21 |
You need to learn how to use the flag and dismiss buttons, or to simply reply and move on. Otherwise you're just as bad as the first comment. I'm not here to point fingers or assign blame. Knock it off. Jayhawke got some love from me too so don't think this is one-sided.
![]() 02/16/2015 at 13:24 |
You get off yours first, and I'll get off mine, oh wait, I'm not on one! I've already said I don't pay for everything I have, but I have done so for some fairly important thins to me in recent time. That's not to say I own every single thing in my life now, but it's a lot for someone my age. And yet, you still don't listen and still point out the fallacies and errors in my post, can you not do anything else but that? That can hardly be called a contribution. And going out and putting words in my mouth in a way that I've somehow exclaimed that I'm the poorest person in the world and no one has it worse than me? You're enjoying this aren't you.
I'm making as much shit up about you as you are me, and if you can't admit that, it's your loss. One of us may be "whining" as you say, but at least he's got the balls to admit his mistakes unlike the other person here. You think you're right about everything you've said and that it's perfectly justified, you've got yourself a messed up sense of what's right and wrong. Especially if you think the only way to solve these "problem threads" is to be a dick.
I've made many mistakes and wrong remarks, errors and dumb comments. I've made a good amount of bitchy posts and complaints. I've owned up to them. And yet here you are going on and on about them. have you admitted your mistakes or do you think everything that comes out of your mouth is pure gold and is the right all the time. Or maybe you just enjoy finding the wrong in people and calling them out on it and it makes you feel like a better person. Whatever the case, you're no more right than I am, and I'm wrong quite a lot.
And I made a post about that 302 last month, where were you?
Oh and look, you have lots of STARS, you want a cookie or something? I don't care how many stars you have or how popular you think you are, I could care less about any of that. You think that makes you a better person than I am, on the internet? Well I'll be damned, you want a trophy? As far as I'm concerned your here whining to me about how I'm not posting or commenting to yours or Oppo's standards, what standards are those again? I've made my good share of very popular posts and comments. I don't do it for the popularity or to feel special. I do it because I enjoy this good community of car enthusiast who talk cars, and give me winderful insight on things I've never seen or heard of before. With dick-like comments like these, that could hardly be called a contribution in my eye.
![]() 02/16/2015 at 13:25 |
Yes, I'm done. Though to be fair, while I did certainly go on the offensive (and I stand by it), he did claim me as 'insecure', so the name calling certainly wasn't one sided.
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I'm not taking sides, and I'm not taking names. just keep it civil.
![]() 02/16/2015 at 13:30 |
Fair enough, but I just don't go quiet in response to dicks anymore, I did reply and move on, until he replied back. If Jake gets some "love" where's my love? :P
I'll admit maybe I went to far, but I'm not the only one at fault in this, and I'm not holding back from dick comments anymore. I wanna make that much clear.
![]() 02/16/2015 at 13:39 |
"Move on" means you reply, say your piece, and ignore any other replies. It takes two people to have an argument, and no one is twisting your arm to respond. I'm not concerned with who is at fault, your responses back didn't help the situation.
If you aren't holding back from dick comments that's fine, but if you act like a dick (regardless of how another commenter is acting towards you) then we'll remind you of the first two rules.
![]() 02/16/2015 at 13:42 |
Yeah, I have a wealthier friend who will only get his money if he makes it to 40 without being married. We're 35 now. Seems a lot more insane than getting your kid nice rides (which I'd probably do if I had a kid and cash.)
![]() 02/16/2015 at 13:46 |
Well let me ask you this: If I'm reminded of the first two rules, will the other debater be reminded as well? Or is it just me?
It doesn't matter who's at fault, but if I'm honest, I don't take too kindly to comments like those anymore, I'm sure you can understand that. If I see them directed at me, I won't hesitate to fire back in kind.
But I do hope that if I'm being reprimanded, the other person, the aggressor is equally reprimanded.
![]() 02/16/2015 at 13:54 |
this is why I play GT6, it's the only way I'll ever be able to drive a Huayra...
That and because I can't drive... Yet...
![]() 02/16/2015 at 13:56 |
Mommy and Daddy money. I know a kid here from China that DD's a band new M3. You have to be very wealthy to send your kid to America to study so really those cars are not a huge deal to them
![]() 02/16/2015 at 14:00 |
If I'm honest, this is by far the best thing that's happened on Oppo in a good while. You were right, it is enjoyable picking fights with others to maintain your intelligence and sense of right and wrong in the world. Standing up for yourself is awesome.
![]() 02/16/2015 at 14:01 |
You're taking this way further than I am.
The stars thing had nothing to do with popularity, it's just a reflection of the fact that people agree with me. I clearly don't give a crap about my popularity on the Internet, if I did there's far better ways to gain it than by being a 'dick'.
You want me to admit I'm wrong, but what am I wrong about exactly? I didn't realize you made your car payments, sorry for the misunderstanding, but you didn't make it very clear to what extent you pay for your car. And you did say you help pay for school but admitted its not nearly to the level your parents do. I only say these things because you came on oppo to tell us that you work hard for everything, but you don't. You're fortunate to have plenty of support from your family so show some gratitude and give credit where it's due. That's all I'm saying.
And here you are telling me I'm on a high horse while you incorrectly interperet my intentions here and parade them as if you're correct.
Think before you post next time and this whole mess could be avoided.
![]() 02/16/2015 at 14:01 |
That should go without saying. We mods aren't one-sided.
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I'm not taking this any further than you are. Again, are you serious, shall I go back to me previous comments?
Or that I pay the car note on my FoST even though my dad took out the loan, which I admit isn't me completely owning the car, but still instills a sense of responsibility and duty that I have to fulfill?
I didn't say this earlier, or did you just not read it? Is that not clear enough for you?
I get your point, but could you have not said it like "this" in the first place, without sounding like a dick?? Was it really that hard? This wasn't even about gratitude to begin with. You're crazy if you think I don't appreciate everything my parents have done to open doors for me.
And don't even put this whole thing on me, this all could've been avoided if you didn't make dick comments to begin with, or maybe not even comment at all? Was that not an option?
You should think before you comment. That's what I'm saying.
![]() 02/16/2015 at 14:12 |
Good, I just wanted clarification on that.
![]() 02/16/2015 at 14:17 |
Work on putting your self in others shoes. If you were him, and your parents were so proud of you they were willing to let you upgrade cars for no reason you probably would. Who wouldn't? Being upset about how much more someone else has than you is silly. Because there are a lot of people in this world who look at your life, and your ability to eat good food every day, and think you must not appreciate the finer things.
![]() 02/16/2015 at 14:18 |
fack this looks damn awesome.
![]() 02/16/2015 at 14:22 |
Dude, seriously?
If we're getting nitpicky, first of all, you didn't answer my question. Your dad took out the loan, what does that mean? Was there a downpayment? Do you pay for insurance? What happens if you can't make a payment?
And yes, you've taken this further than me. I was done with my last comment but you've continued to attack me. Let it go.
![]() 02/16/2015 at 14:22 |
To be honest they mean the same damn thing
![]() 02/16/2015 at 14:40 |
That's very...huh. I'd heard of people only getting their money only if they get married or have kids, but that's just weird.
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It puzzled the hell out of me when I heard it and I've seen no reason to believe it isn't true so far. Dude's had a fair amount of achievement on his own (he's a low level cable exec for Time Warner) so I guess that's the point of it.
![]() 02/16/2015 at 14:47 |
Excuse me, son? When have I EVER said it's enjoyable to pick fights? I don't believe I ever have. All the times I've spoken up about certain issues here on Oppo it's never been because I want to stir shit up for shits and giggles, it's because I give a damn about this place, this community, and the friends— including you—I have made here. It's because I want to see this place be the awesome place I know it is, and I want to see it become even better.
Standing up for yourself and what you believe in IS awesome, but there's a huge gulf between that and going on the smug defensive when people are trying to bring light to your narcissism and asking you to re-examine those thoughts.
The conversations you and I have had have sometimes frustrated the shit out of me, K, but clearly we need to have a few more. I'm up for it if you are.
![]() 02/16/2015 at 15:01 |
Where are you going to school in MI? At umich, there are several exchange students driving exotics - everything from the base cayman I pushed out of the snow last week to the winter dd R8. It's even crazier at MSU. A few months back, a Sesto Elemento and R8 were for sale on craigslist prior to the student returning to China.
![]() 02/16/2015 at 15:02 |
Jealousy is typically and formally associated with love; it's more romantic. People are jealous of affection applied toward others and not them, and it's justifiable - there's a feeling of loss. Envy is more summable, like simply wanting what belongs to others; it's mostly just a feeling of desire and resentment.
But the English language is ever changing. And yes, the words are used interchangeably. I wish they weren't. What's the point of having two words then!? They're both Latin-derived words, so it's not a matter of redundancy, like one being the Germanic version.
Given that this guy is just whining about one guy having more than him; I think it's more appropriate to say this is shallow, materialistic envy.
Sorry, I like words.
![]() 02/16/2015 at 15:07 |
Meh, my rich white ex-boyfriend's family spoiled the crap out of their kids (the ten-year-old once threw a tantrum when I recognized a Volvo logo before them, saying NO FAIR I ONLY KNOW NICE CARS), and I've heard of at least two Asian kids being raised completely middle-class only to turn 18 and have their parents tell them they're actually billionaires.
Rich folk crazy in all different ways.
![]() 02/16/2015 at 15:31 |
Am3r's neighbor is a foreign exchange student who has so many toys that he parks his F10 M5 OUTSIDE in the snowy winter.
![]() 02/16/2015 at 15:32 |
A Sesto Elemento at MSU?? That's new to me. I'm aware of the exotic scene at MSU, I went to the car show last year, GT500s, E9X M3s and Gallardos, the lot of 'em.
I go to LTU. We've got some Maseratis, that Boss 302, a couple GTR's, a fake Nismo, two Porsches(mine and a professor's 944s), and a 2015 Camaro SS.
![]() 02/16/2015 at 15:47 |
Whats a Fezza?
![]() 02/16/2015 at 15:50 |
You hate em because you ain't em :D
Heh, sorry... There was a time when I felt the same as you do, but what you need to realize is that there typically is a fundamental difference in the way that you as an enthusiast view cars, and how this guy (presumably) views cars. To him, it's a status symbol, and an accessory, like a watch, or Louis Vuitton purse. A new one will come out, and he won't hesitate to have his parents buy it for him. He'll treat it like crap because who cares what happens, his folks will just pony up and replace it if need be. He's the type of guy that will spend tons on cars but never a day at the track.
Now then, all speculation aside, if my parents had the scratch and offered to buy me whatever vehicle I wanted, whenever I wanted then I'd sure be pretty happy about that :) As I'm sure you would. I hope that I'll be in a place to grant any kids I have in the future that luxury! Don't be a hater. He may be a turd, but again to him that's just a throwaway thing, next years model will come out and he won't give a crap about his "baby" anymore.
That's life son, deal with it :)
![]() 02/16/2015 at 16:41 |
Sounds like you made the shocking revelation that life may not actually be fair. Remember there are many that have it far worse than you. Take account for what you have and appreciate it.
![]() 02/16/2015 at 16:51 |
My bad… I meant to write Super Trofeo. I even looked up the spelling before typing but somehow still wrote Sesto Elemento. But yeah, no doubt there are some crazy cars at these schools. Umich also has a GranTurismo MC Stradale and a 458.
![]() 02/16/2015 at 17:37 |
I might want a Mustang again now... might...
![]() 02/16/2015 at 19:09 |
Clarkson slang for a Ferrari
![]() 02/18/2015 at 13:00 |
At least these rich kids go to college. If I was them, I would probably go to the nearest racetrack instead of college (yes I'm a moron).
That's (probably) not that easy to work/study when you already have pile of money.